Exploring abandoned homes in Ireland, The Troubles and hanging upside down on a fence with Rebecca Brownlie (abandoned_ni)

December 10, 2022 in IrelandUrbex Podcast

Urbex 82 - Exploring abandoned homes in Ireland, The Troubles and hanging upside down on a fence with Rebecca Brownlie (abandoned_ni)

Join us on an intriguing journey through the abandoned homes of Ireland as we welcome Rebecca Brownlie, an accomplished explorer and author of the book “Abandoned Ireland,” to the Chasing Bandos Urbex Podcast. Rebecca, hailing from Belfast, shares her fascinating insights into the troubled history of Ireland and its connection to urban exploration. Delve into her transition from being a paranormal investigator to an urban explorer as she uncovers the rich tapestry of stories and history embedded within abandoned places in Ireland.

Rebecca takes us on a captivating exploration of the abandoned homes scattered across the country, unveiling the remarkable tales she has encountered during her expeditions. With a keen interest in history and the stories that lie within these forgotten spaces, she paints a vivid picture of the past and shares the incredible experiences she has had while documenting Ireland’s abandoned places.

But the adventure doesn’t end there—prepare for some spine-tingling moments as Rebecca also delves into the paranormal encounters she has witnessed during her explorations. The blend of history, storytelling, and the supernatural adds an extra layer of intrigue to this episode.

Join us as we immerse ourselves in the captivating world of Rebecca Brownlie, where abandoned homes hold the secrets of Ireland’s past. Experience the rich history, the enthralling stories, and a touch of the paranormal in this enthralling episode of the Chasing Bandos Urbex Podcast. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to uncover the hidden gems that lie within the forgotten corners of Ireland.

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Website: abandonedni.com

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