ARTICLE: (Portugal) De centrais eléctricas a aviões abandonados: é um outro lado da China (
“From power stations to “cemeteries” of all types of vehicles, such as cars, bicycles, trains and planes, these are some of the places that have been forgotten in the corners of Chinese provinces. But Greg Abandoned’s passion for exploring abandoned places has given these places a new lease of life. Through the book Abandoned China , Greg presents a collection of photographs and stories from these same spaces to show that the passage through China, where he has lived for the last five years, has brought something positive, even though he has not been able to learn Mandarin.”
October 25, 2022

ARTICLE: LOST IN SPACE Inside eerie warehouse where abandoned £189million spaceship has been left to rust in the desert (
“A MAN discovered the remains of a £189million spaceship that had been left to rust in the desert in an eerie warehouse. Urban explorer Greg Abandoned spotted the Soviet air shuttle while adventuring through the wilderness with a pal.” Not entirely sure why The Sun and The Mirror make it out as I accidentally found the space shuttle in the middle of the desert (haha)
October 24, 2022

ARTICLE: Man stumbles across eerie abandoned spaceship left to rust in the desert (
“The man recalled the moment he captured the remains of the £189 million holy grail of abandoned exploration – a forgotten spacecraft stranded in a desert. An explorer has stumbled across the abandoned remains of a Soviet air shuttle abandoned in a desert. The man recalled the moment he captured the remains of the £189 million holy grail of abandoned exploration – a forgotten spacecraft stranded in a desert.” – they write. Full story on this webiste.
October 24, 2022

ARTICLE: Venture into the Unexpected with Greg Abandoned (
Along with a great many sites of historical significance, China is also home to a great many abandoned parks, places, airfields, train depots and more. And even if you can’t reach it on your own, there’s a book that can take you there.I am talking about Abandoned China, penned by a Polish adventurer who goes by the moniker of Greg Abandoned. In the first volume of his trio-to-be, Greg takes the lucky reader on a fascinating exercise of urban exploration in China (hereinafter referred to as URBEX)…
June 12, 2022

ARTICE: Interview With Urban Explorer And Photographer Greg Abandoned (
Greg is an urban explorer and photographer. From 2018 to 2021 he visited some suggestive and evocative abandoned places in China such as space stations, military depots, cities, theme parks, and power plants. The images and stories have been collected in a book out this month called Abandoned China (Book 1), published by Jonk Editions. Greg traveled across nearly every Chinese province, from Inner Mongolia in the north to Yunnan in the south, stopping in over 100 cities, towns, and villages along the way.
May 18, 2022

INTERVIEW: The Inquisitive Tourist
An explorer who goes by the name ‘Greg Abandoned’, is a Polish man who moved to the U.K. and who is now living in Beijing China.
He simply loves what he does – Urbex exploration, and yet his day job is as a Math teacher. His stories will leave you shocked, speechless and asking ‘is that even possible?’ – and absolutely make sure you listen right to the end! It will be worth it…
May 12, 2022
ARTICE: This Man Documents China’s Hauntingly Beautiful Abandoned Places (
Beijing-based ‘Greg Abandoned’ is our favorite of the myriad modern-day explorers visiting and documenting our planet’s forgotten places. His popular Instagram account @gregabandoned boasts an incredible selection of photographs documenting deserted spots across China and Asia, from derelict shopping malls, hotels, and Starbucks to abandoned spacecraft, airplanes, military hardware, and facilities of heavy industry.
May 3, 2022

INTERVIEW: The Big Travel Podcast
On top of a building in Chernobyl, overlooking the destruction and devastation, Greg made a life-changing decision. From that moment on he would dedicate his life to exploring abandoned places, becoming ‘Greg Abandoned’. He’s been shot at in Bulgaria, risked his life to trek to a Soviet-era abandoned space shuttle in Kazakhstan, explored countless deserted amusement parks in China and as a result has some of the most jaw dropping Instagram and YouTube footage and an incredible new book called Abandoned China.
March 25, 2022
INTERVIEW: Travel Tales
Greg is a native of Poland who emigrated to the UK and is now teaching high school calculus in Beijing, China. His side gig is seeking out and photographing abandoned sites around the world.
March 24, 2022
INTERVIEW: Chasing Bandos BURAN mini-series
Buran mini-series – part 8 – today’s episode is my journey and my story of what happened when on cold October day I went through hell, horse shit and desert to visit the Urbex Holy Grail. Join me when I tell the story from the preparation stage to the drama that soon followed. Guest host for the episode is an explorer from Cyprus Alex Ioannou.
December 28, 2021
NTERVIEW: Thought Zero
On top of a building in Chernobyl, overlooking the destruction and devastation, Greg made a life-changing decision. From that moment on he would dedicate his life to exploring abandoned places, becoming ‘Greg Abandoned’. He’s been shot at in Bulgaria, risked his life to trek to a Soviet-era abandoned space shuttle in Kazakhstan, explored countless deserted amusement parks in China and as a result has some of the most jaw dropping Instagram and YouTube footage and an incredible new book called Abandoned China.
April 25, 2021
This week on the No Tracers podcast, all about urban exploration, I am chatting with the one and only Greg Abandoned! Greg is the host of the Chasing Bandos podcast and I wanted to have him on the show to share his personal stories with you all! This episode is chalk full of helpful information for new and experienced urban explorers. Greg started exploring when he went on a trip to Chernobyl, everyone’s dream destination!
April 23, 2021
INTERVIEW: Travel Worth Living
In this episode I get to talk with an urban explorer who has made it his life passion to seek out abandoned locations, whether urban or rural. Originally from Poland, Greg currently lives in China and uses every opportunity he can to explore. He launched his podcast, Chasing Bandos, back in October as a way to tell forgotten stories and spread awareness as to what urbex is really about.
March 11, 2021
Johnny and Cole are joined by Greg Abandoned, host of Chasing Bandos podcast and seasoned explorer of abandoned places. Greg talks about his favourite ‘urbex’ missions, including visiting Chernobyl and seeking abandoned Russian space crafts. He also talks about his spookiest encounter in an abandoned place. This is an action packed episode which left Cole wondering about all the places that aren’t drawn on a map.
Jan 06, 2021
INTERVIEW: The Kris Karl Photography Podcast
Abandoned theme parks, hospitals, shopping malls, aircraft carriers, space shuttles, Aztec temples, plane graveyards, schools, mansions, lighthouses, gun stations and Chernobyl. How does he do what he does? Interview with urban explorer Greg Abandoned.
June 2020